This week I am going to be writing about my favorite teacher in all my years at Lake Norman Charter. After thinking about who I wanted to write about, I quickly narrowed down my choices to my English teachers since that is my favorite subject. In eighth grade, I had a really good English teacher named Mr. Sherry. Not only was I excited to go to class everyday, but I was also excited to learn and see what Mr. Sherry had in store for our class that day. He would have a lot of assignments for us to complete in class so we would never be bored doing busy work, and there were many group projects. One of the reasons I thought his class was great was that the group assignments were sometimes our choice of who we wanted to work with, and other times he would pair us in groups. This way, the class was always motivated to work hard so that the next time we had a group assignment, we could choose our own classmates. I think that having group work where everyone was forced to participate, also bonded the class. We were able to joke around as a class and get our work done at the same time. Having a class where you can be friends with everyone in the room is a great experience because people will get along and it is an enjoyable experience when there are class discussions. Mr. Sherry was also a very unique English teacher because he shared his love for music with our class. During our poetry unit, we would listen to different genre songs and analyze what the artist was talking about in their song. I also love music so getting to go to class and discover new songs was great for me. I will never forget his class because of the fun I had and also because it has impacted how I listen to music today. When I hear new songs I can't help but to think about the meaning behind it and often times, look it up. The curiosity I have behind artist's music, stemmed from Mr. Sherry's class.