Sunday, August 23, 2015

Heartbreak Map

In Class we made heartbreak maps to talk about the things that we're passionate about and what we love about those things. A heartbreak map can be done in many ways but I chose to do mine with the things I am passionate about on the right side and on the left side I wrote about what breaks my heart about these things.  The main topic I feel passionate about is autistic children and how they are often times treated as less than our equals. I hate seeing someone being treated badly just because of a disability. Everyone should be treated fairly and there are many cases where the kid doesn't know they have a disability so they are confused why other kids are mean to them. I think a possible solution to this, is to encourage parents to talk to their younger children about disabilities and why we should treat everyone equally.


  1. Loren,

    Congratulations on your first blog post. I agree, acceptance of others begins at a very early age and without a doubt, equality and acceptance is such crucial qualities to be taught early on.

    Mr. Smith

    1. Thank you. I want to spread autism awareness to younger kids because at that age, many kids don't filter what they say and words can be very hurtful.

  2. Loren - I am so interested to hear about your experience working with children with autism, and to see how this idea transforms into a passion project for you. Looking forward to an awesome year!

    Mrs. McNeilly
