Friday, September 11, 2015

Twitter Chat

Recently in class we have started talking about twitter chats.  Twitter chats are when a group of people use a hashtag to discuss a topic that someone has picked out.  A moderator can have a twitter chat on any topic that they would like and anyone can join.  If I was a moderator of a twitter chat I would probably want it to be about fashion and makeup and I would want to talk to other girls my age about the hot topics going on right now but if I were to make a twitter chat for my DigCit class, the topic would be along of the lines of bullying.  I wouldn't make my twitter chat about stopping bullying though because everyone already knows bullying is wrong.  Instead, I would want to ask questions about why people bully others and I would also ask if anyone has been the bully or has been bullied.  I think I would make it a survey type of twitter chat so I could get other people's feedback.  I've never understood why people are mean to others.  If I ever say something mean to someone it stays on my mind for what seems like forever and I can't imagine someone causing harm to someone else and thinking that it's okay.

I could use a twitter chat as part of my Genius hour project by creating a discussion about autism and start by asking people if they know of anyone who has autism spectrum disorder.  Twitter chats are an effective way of communicating with others because it is quick and easy.  As long as you use the hashtag that is provided, you can share your opinion with everyone that is in the discussion.  It is also effective because people that follow you will see your tweets and it could possibly spark their interest and make them want to join the chat.  The only problem that I see with twitter chats is that you only have 140 characters to type your opinion and if your comment requires more, than you have to either shorten your response or send it between two tweets.  Other than that, I really like the idea of twitter chats and I'm excited to participate in one.

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