Friday, November 13, 2015

Thinking about the future

In class Mrs. Mcneilly had a skype call setup with a former Lake Norman Charter student to talk about what he is currently working on and to really just talk about life after Charter.  The speaker's name was Kevin Beaty and he went to Lake Norman Charter when we only had a middle school.  He transferred to Hopewell highschool and took some film classes that helped him decide that he wanted to go to film school after he graduated highschool.  He attended Boston University and worked with professionals, eventually becoming an expert at what he does through the many internships that he worked at.   I really enjoyed listening to him because he painted a good picture of what life after highschool and college would be like, even though I don't plan on becoming a freelance artist.  He did however, talk about journalism which is something that I'm highly considering doing after college.  He went into detail about how journalist these days can't just write, they have to also be able to work the camera and this was something that I definitely paid a lot of attention to.  I've gone to college summer camps to work on things like backpack journalism and I could understand everything that he was saying about journalism.

One thing that he stressed in his lecture was that after college, no one asks you what your gpa was or the grades you got in highschool, everything is about experience and professionalism.  I really liked that he said this because one thing I tend to tell people who freak out over their grades is not to worry too much about it because one bad grade on a test is not going to ruin your entire future.  That isn't to say you shouldn't worry about your grades because they do determine the places that you get into but after college is over and you have a stable job, no one is going to ask you about that one test that you got a bad grade on.  Overall, I really enjoyed hearing about Kevin's life and how he got to the point that he's at now but I couldn't exactly relate my genius time project to what he was saying.  He was helpful for thinking about my future but not so much spreading autism awareness around the community.  I like that he was very on top of things and  he shows determination with what he does.  He taught me that in order to really spread awareness for my passion project I have to be aggressive  with getting out into the community and contacting people that can help me.

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